Congratulations on deciding to join the University of Pittsburgh as an employee! Before your first day, check out this list of resources to help you prepare for your new career.

Your initial new hire "paperwork" takes place in Talent Center, the University's system for hiring and onboarding employees. After accepting a verbal offer with the University, you will receive an email to formally accept an E-Offer. You will complete this E-Offer, as well as other vital employment information, in Talent Center.

Child Protection Clearances are required for new and current employees who will have direct and/or routine contact with children under 18 years of age, provided these children are not subject to an exception. You will be notified if you are required to have your Child Protection Clearances as a term of your employment.
All new employees that are required to have their Child Protection Clearances as a part of the position must have these clearances submitted and approved prior to beginning their employment with the University.

New employees and rehires to the University must complete a Form I-9, the Employee Eligibility Verification Form required by the federal government.
Section 1 of the I-9 should be completed prior to your first day of employment.
Section 2 of the I-9 must be completed within three business days after your first day of employment (you may complete Section 2 of the I-9 prior to your first day of employment, too). If you do not complete Section 2 of your I-9 within three business days, you will not be authorized to return to work until it is completed.

The Office of Human Resources (OHR) offers an orientation program to help familiarize new staff employees to the University. Virtual orientation sessions are held at 8:30 a.m. each Monday via Zoom. An invitation to attend orientation will be sent to new hires from their OHR recruiter via email. If you require a disability accommodation, please call 412-624-8150.

Explore the Pitt buses and shuttle schedules, disability shuttles, and other commuting options such as Pittsburgh Regional Transit and POGOH (Pittsburgh's bike-sharing system); apply for parking permits; find garages; and learn about traffic and parking ordinances.